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mixed use sustainable development on a former heavy industrial site

Project Type:              Urban Planning

Site:                               178 acre riverfront brownfield site in Pittsburgh, PA

Status:                           Specially Planned District approved by City of Pittsburgh

                                       Preliminary site remediation preparation complete

                                       Seeking developers for blocks

Awards:                       10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania

                                       2012 AIA Pittsburgh Design Award - Honor Award


  • Collaborated as core team member in creation of the 250-page PLDP, a Form Based Code document

  • Interfaced with client, consultants, and governmental organizations 

  • Participated in site design

  • Created and participated in community outreach materials and meetings

  • Managed computer modeling (Revit) for iterative design and final graphics

  • Edited and wrote body text for PLDP

  • Led graphic production for PLDP

The Almono Limited Partnership, started by four southwestern Pennsylvania Foundations, purchased a 178-acre industrial site to see that it was developed into a sustainable riverfront community. Almono LP envisions this site as four distinct interconnected districts with a range of allowable uses and each with unique and meaningful places. 


The Vision Plan was completed in October 2011, and, thereafter, the managing partner, the consultant team, and various governing agencies met regularly to discuss the goals, content and process for development of this site. As the site engineering began to be developed, the Preliminary Land Development Plan (PLDP) and Specially Planned District submission was prepared in conjunction with the City of Pittsburgh to establish parameters of design and the intended site systems in greater detail. 


website design by MICHELLE NERMON © 2016

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