In 2015, Michelle participated in an internship with Eco Constructores Oaxaca, a mission-based organization in Mexico. While with Eco Constructores, she gained extensive hands-on experience in building with natural materials in methods such as adobe, adobe vaults, wattle and daub, and rammed earth.

Existing Structural System:
Renovation Scope:
Guadalupe Etla, Oaxaca, Mexico
Two-bedroom house with great room + kitchen, shower room, & composting toilet room
Masonry columns, concrete & wood roof structure
Additional exterior & partition walls, plumbing & electricity networks, floors & finishes, roof replacement
Adaptive reuse of existing adobe shed
New Building Systems:
Wattle & daube walls, earthen plaster, whitewash

Eco Constructores Oaxaca is a mission-based organization that aims to proliferate the use of building with natural materials by making these services available to a wide spectrum of the population, meanwhile educating as many people as possible in these eco-friendly methods. For more information on current projects, please visit their Facebook page.